Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Facebook Bullying in Schools

     A major problem these days that many students are facing in school is Facebook bullying.  It has become a huge deal and unfortunately even been responsible for multiple suicides.  It's such an awful thing that kids are doing this on all the time and it's so hard for teachers and parents to force them to stop.  Facebook has expanded so much and everyone has one these days.  There are more options than ever.  People can now write on your wall, comment or "like" your status, as well as someone elses status, posts, or even friendships now.  There are so many groups and clubs out there, and many of them allow members to write.  With all of these options, it's no wonder why students in school are constantly bashing each other and teasing each other all over this electronic soap opera of some sort.
     As ironic as it may seem, even Facebook has a page called "One Million People Against Bullying in Schools."  Under the title it says, "What makes one human being hurt another? Do they see something in that person reflected in themselves? Will drawing attention to it there stop people from seeing it in them? Doesn't that make the bully the weaker person for the simple fact that they can't face the frailties within themselves so they target others in... an effort to hide how inadequate they feel" (  I like what this group is saying and I strongly agree.  In my eyes, bullying on Facebook is for cowards.  If you have something to say to someone, the right thing to do is to approach them maturely and confront them of your issues or problems.  Running on Facebook and bashing people just to gain attention is immature.  I understand many of the kids doing it are young and immature, but I think schools show seriously focus on this issue.  Even having just one seminar once a year on Facebook bullying I think would stop a lot of people.  Many children think it's funny and makes them look tough or intimidating, but they need to learn it's not a "cool" thing to do and can seriously hurt many peoples feelings.  The fact that Facebook is so big now is why many people are so bothered when something awful is written about them, because so many people could see it if they wanted to. 
     Many suicides in the last year have resulted from Facebook and that just brakes my heart that these poor children felt that low because of nasty things being said about them that they did the unthinkable.  I think parents shouldn't be shy to look at their child's Facebook page every once and a while to make sure there child isn't participating in bullying or being bullied, because many children wouldn't admit to either.  As much as I like Facebook I do think it has caused a whole lot of problems in my life, usually over dumb things but when it comes to relationships it can definitely hurt one quick.  It's like an addiction, everyones on it and they're on it 24/7.  I hope one day soon we as a culture migrate somewhat away from Facebook.  When that happens I think many people's lives will be much easier and less drama free!

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