Monday, October 25, 2010

Do We Still Practice Humanism Today?

     Humanism is a theory that says we should respect and be kind toward everyone.  It focuses on human values and concern for one another.  "It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities" (  Looking at the present day, I feel humanism isn't practiced much.  The majority of the population in my opinion is rude and could careless about one another.  I find people now more than ever, not saying thank you or waving when I let them pull out in front of me, not saying thank you when I go out of my way to hold a door for them and not helping the elderly or people who may have fallen and need help getting up.  I feel like it's such bad karma for people who do these kind of things, and that there going to get something back twice as bad later on in life.
     I think the world would be a much better place if we all practiced humanism.  There'd be peace, respect, kindness, helpfulness and a will to have positive morals and ethics.  Something interesting I found was, is humanism against the Christian world view?  Christians feel the need to recognize humanism is NOT the same as humanitarianism.  Humanitarianism is being kind to people, something Christians feel they should be more than anyone else.  Christians also recognize discuss that there is a difference between humanism and the humanities, something Christians also think should be a main interest of theirs.  Christians find humanism contrasts to the Christian world view because each of their final realities is different.
     I personally like the theory of Humanism.  I think it's a great way of living and wish everyone followed it.  The world would definitely be a MUCH better place.  If everyone acted kind and repected each other, everything would be so much better.  I think Christians have no reason to be offended at all.  Christians practices are a lot like the humanism theory be being polite, caring and respecting others.  Even with me thinking this theory is a great one, there's a few things I'd change slightly.  Humanists think children should not be forced to learn, and that they will learn when they are ready.  I see where they are coming from, but much of the time this is not a positive solution.  Many children will become lazy or underestimate themselves and not want to do work just so they don't have to learn and do any work.  That will do nothing but damage themselves in the long run and negatively affect their education, as well as motivation.  A focus that somewhat goes hand and hand with this, but I find more positive is that they think self-fulfillment is the main focus of education.  It's a great thing to teach children, and anyone for that matter.  If you're not happy with yourself and your own life, then you're not going to be happy at all in general, regardless of what awesome things like money or fame may come your way.  Self respect and enjoyment is something many of us forget about these days.  We are too busy make everyone else happy and doing what we need to do to succeed in life, that much of the time we forget about ourselves.  Life is too short to be anything but happy, so finding your true worth and enjoyment in life should be everyones goal!

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